
A quiz app with ReactJS and CSS3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bling Quizzes


The Project is developed using React JS

Library's used

Some of the library's that was used in the project

React Router

  • To navigate the website
  • To load data from the API
  • To make dynamic paths for the website component

React Toastify

  • To display correct answer
  • To display selected answer


  • To display statistics chart

React FontAwesome

  • To display icons


The website consists of 5 main pages

  • Home
  • Topics
  • Statistics
  • Blogs
  • QuizTopic

The QuizTopic page is dynamic which changes based on selected topic


Features of the website

  • Navbar can be used to navigate the website
  • Homepage and Topics page contains Topic list that can be selected
  • Selecting a Topic takes user to the selected Topic Quizzes page
  • Topic page lists all the questions and their options
  • Topic page title shows topic name and how many questions are in the topic
  • A small section under topic page title shows live result of the selected answer
  • Selecting an option pops a toast displaying if the selected option in correct
  • Option color changes after selection based on correct or wrong
  • After selecting an option other options will be disabled
  • Each question has an Eye icon that opens a toast to show correct answer of the question
  • Statistics page shows a line chart to show total quizzes of all the topics
  • Blogs page shows the list of blogs
  • Footer has the links of social media icons