
String macros for creating time constants

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Julia package implementing a shorthand method for creating time constants. A convenience package to supplement the Dates standard library.


import Pkg


using TStr

t"2024-03-29T15:31" # is equivalent to Dates.DateTime("2024-03-29T15:31")
t"2024-03-29"d # is equivalent to Dates.Date("2024-03-29")
t"20:21:22"t # is equivalent to Dates.Time("20:21:22")

More documentation can be obtained using @doc @t_str

Advanced use

Other default suffixes

The u suffix denotes Unix time. There is also a package extension for the TimeZones package that maps the z suffix to ZonedDateTime, e.g.

using TStr

@assert t"1970-01-01T00:01" == 60

using TimeZones

@assert t"2020-11-11T11:11:11.111Z"z == ZonedDateTime("2020-11-11T11:11:11.111Z")

Creating custom suffixes

By default, only standard time format strings can be used, but it is possible to use custom time formats if a custom suffix is defined by using the TStr.set_t_str_suffix function, e.g.

using Dates, TStr

myfunc(s) = Date(s, dateformat"Y u d")
mysuffix = "myformat"
TStr.set_t_str_suffix(mysuffix, myfunc)

@assert t"2024 Feb 29"myformat == Date(2024,2,29)

More documentation can be obtained using @doc TStr.set_t_str_suffix


Please report bugs and other issues at https://github.com/GHTaarn/TStr.jl/issues or submit a pull request.