
版本检测升级(更新)库。an auto check version library(app update) on Android

Primary LanguageJava

CheckVersionLib Download

V2 Version has been born with shocking, strong functions,chain programing, easy to integrate,strong extension


The strongest feature is easier to integrate than version of V1.+



  • Invoke everywhere you want

  • Easy

  • Strong Extension

  • Adapt to all applications that have update function

  • Customize Ui

  • Support Force Update(one line code)

  • Support Silence Download (one line code)

  • Adapt to Android O


compile 'com.allenliu.versionchecklib:library:2.1.6'


Only use download mode

the easiest way to use


UIData:UIData is the type of Bundle,it save some data for displaying ui page,it can use in your customization page/

Request Version + Download mode

the easiest way to call

                .request(new RequestVersionListener() {
                    public UIData onRequestVersionSuccess(String result) {
                        //get the data response from server,parse,get the `downloadUlr` and some other ui date
                        //return null if you dont want to update application
                        return UIData.create().setDownloadUrl(downloadUrl);

                    public void onRequestVersionFailure(String message) {


Some other http params for request app version,as follows

                .request(new RequestVersionListener() {
                    public UIData onRequestVersionSuccess(String result) {
                        //get the data response from server,parse,get the `downloadUlr` and some other ui date
                        UIData uiData = UIData
                        //return null if you dont want to update application
                        uiData.getVersionBundle().putString("key", "your value");
                        return uiData;


                    public void onRequestVersionFailure(String message) {


the instructions above is the basic using for integrating(library has a set of default ui page),you can use some other params,if it does not fit your requirement the above.

some other functions

first of all,the builder of follow is called DownloadBuilder

 DownloadBuilder builder=AllenVersionChecker
 DownloadBuilder builder=AllenVersionChecker

cancel mission


silent download

 builder.setSilentDownload(true); false for default

set the newest version code of your server returned,it is used to verify if use file cache.

  • Cache category:first check running app's versionCode whether equal with the installation package.Then check developer whether pass the newest VersionCode ,if so, check the VersionCode is greater than local,if it is truth ,download apk from server, otherwise use cache.
 builder.setNewestVersionCode(int); null for default 

Force Update

set the listener represent need force update function,it will be call when user cancel the download operation,developer need close all the activities of application.

builder.setForceUpdateListener(() -> {

Force ReDownload no matter there is cache

 builder.setForceRedownload(true); false for default

set whether show downloading dialog

builder.setShowDownloadingDialog(false); true for default

set whether show notification

builder.setShowNotification(false);  true for default 

customize notification

                         .setContentTitle("custom title")

set whether show download failed dialog

  builder.setShowDownloadFailDialog(false); true for default

customize download apk path

  builder.setDownloadAPKPath(address); default:/storage/emulated/0/AllenVersionPath/

customize download apk name

  builder.setApkName(apkName); default:getPackageName()

set download listener

   builder.setApkDownloadListener(new APKDownloadListener() {
             public void onDownloading(int progress) {

             public void onDownloadSuccess(File file) {


             public void onDownloadFail() {


cancel listener

 builder.setOnCancelListener(() -> {
            Toast.makeText(V2Activity.this,"Cancel Hanlde",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

silent download+install directly(dont popup update dialog)


customize the ui page

Customization page use the way of listener,developer need return the Dialog(parent:android.app) that you customized

  • all the dialog must initiate with the context inside the listener.

  • the data fo page takes from UIData

Customize Show Version Dialog


  • define the page must have a commit download button,the id of button must be @id/versionchecklib_version_dialog_commit

  • if has cancel button(ignore if not),the id of button must be @id/versionchecklib_version_dialog_cancel


  builder.setCustomVersionDialogListener((context, versionBundle) -> {
            BaseDialog baseDialog = new BaseDialog(context, R.style.BaseDialog, R.layout.custom_dialog_one_layout);
            //versionBundle is instance of UIData,passed from developer,it can be use to display 
            TextView textView = baseDialog.findViewById(R.id.tv_msg);
            return baseDialog;

customize downloading dialog page


  • if has cancel button(ignore if not),the id of button must be@id/versionchecklib_loading_dialog_cancel
    builder.setCustomDownloadingDialogListener(new CustomDownloadingDialogListener() {
            public Dialog getCustomDownloadingDialog(Context context, int progress, UIData versionBundle) {
                BaseDialog baseDialog = new BaseDialog(context, R.style.BaseDialog, R.layout.custom_download_layout);
                return baseDialog;
// loop invoke the updateUI method when downloading
            public void updateUI(Dialog dialog, int progress, UIData versionBundle) {
                TextView tvProgress = dialog.findViewById(R.id.tv_progress);
                ProgressBar progressBar = dialog.findViewById(R.id.pb);
                tvProgress.setText(getString(R.string.versionchecklib_progress, progress));

customize download failed page


  • if has button of retry,the id must be@id/versionchecklib_failed_dialog_retry

  • if has the button of commit/cancel,the id must be @id/versionchecklib_failed_dialog_cancel

   builder.setCustomDownloadFailedListener((context, versionBundle) -> {
            BaseDialog baseDialog = new BaseDialog(context, R.style.BaseDialog, R.layout.custom_download_failed_dialog);
            return baseDialog;


   -keepattributes Annotation
   -keepclassmembers class * {    @org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe ;}
   -keep enum org.greenrobot.eventbus.ThreadMode { *; }
   -keepclassmembers class * extends org.greenrobot.eventbus.util.ThrowableFailureEvent {    (java.lang.Throwable);}
   -keep class com.allenliu.versionchecklib.**{*;}


  • download the demo to view more functions

  • thanks all for the support library

  • star/issue is welcome


Apache 2.0