TOR(The Onion ROUTER), Network API Utility. Send Signals to TOR Daemons using the TOR control API. Can also generate HashedControlPassword lines for torrc.
Written in Python. GUI uses Qt5, with PyQt5.
Status: four commands implemented: Dormant/Active, Flush DNS, and signal newnym
nextgen interface is a mockup for a more complete version with more nyx like features in Qt.
TOR API Commands:
new_ip Sends the NEWNYM command which gets a new IP. This
generates new tunnels, and with it, a new exit node that has a new IP.
flush_dns Flushes DNS cache on TOR daemon.
dormant_mode \__ Turns Dormant Mode on/off. Newish feature to TOR
active_mode /
tor_version Queries the TOR Daemon version
Local Utilities(Commands):
gen_passwd_hash Generates a password hash for use in torrc.
touch_config Quit after generating config. useful for first
positional arguments:
command See above for description of commands
optional arguments:
-?, --help Show This Help Message
-t, --password-prompt
Prompt for password. overrides settings
-w PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password. overrides settings
-V, --version Print Version and Exit
Network Settings for send commands
-h HOST, --host HOST Address/hostname of TOR daemon
-p PORT, --port PORT Port of TOR daemon