Peewee & SQLite Performance Optimization


In my recent project, I was tasked with optimizing a highly parallelizable computing system that could be distributed across multiple machines. To manage the coordination, I designated one machine as the coordinator. This coordinator's role was to dispatch computing jobs to other machines, referred to as workers, aggregate the results, and provide an efficient querying interface.

Specifically, the task involved computing pairwise distances for a sample set of size $N$, approximately 2200, resulting in $N(N-1)/2$ sample pairs requiring calculations. Each sample was represented as a high-dimensional vector, and the distance calculation was computiationally intensive and for more complex than simple Euclidean distance. Fortunately, the inherently parallelizable nature of the task meant it could be distributed across multiple machines to achieve a feasible computation time.

Given the computationally intensive nature of the task, preserving the computed results was crucial. While tolerating minor data corruption is acceptable, the integrity of the majority of results must be ensured. Thus, using a robust database management system (DBMS) became necessary. After evaluating factors such as development speed, deployment cost, performance, data reliability and the existing code base, I selected SQLite as the storage backend for its balance of these attributes, and Peewee as the ORM framework for fast development.

During the project development, I noticed that Peewee and SQLite out of box yielded unsatisifying performance, but with some simple tricks, the performances boosted and the following bench mark was designed to quantify the performance gain.

I categorized operations with SQLite into 2 types: insertion and querying. More specific:

  • Insertion: occured at task preparation, which inserted plenty of rows into the database to initialize the computing task. It could be further divide into 2 phases
    • sample insertion: register samples in the sample table
    • result allocation: pair samples one-by-one and insert the pair with val = -1into the result table
  • Query: orrured at result analyzing, which query distance for a given list of sample pairs

The optimization tricks were:

  • WAL: use journal mode of WAL instead of the default mode, DELETE
  • TSC: wrap operations in a transaction
  • BLK: insert/query rows in bulk with single SQL execution with a lot of placeholders
  • JSON: insert/query rows in bulk and transfer data in JSON instead of using lots of parameter placeholder ?
  • SPC: problem specific tricks that leaverage problem structure and write raw SQL scripts to be executed natively in the SQLite. Usually, SPC tricks are hard to adapt to other problems, but could be extremely efficient

One trick may be adopted in combination with other tricks to offer even higher performance. A specific combination is denoted as a method. The special method that includes no tricks is dentoed as 1b1, which means that it inserts / queries multiple rows one-by-one. Though the benchmark could not cover all possible methods, it made its best effort to be representative for common usage.

To quantify the performance, row per second (RPS) was selected as the metric. It is defined as the maximum number of rows involved (read/write) in 1 second. The higher RPS a method achieves, the better the performance is. RPS is calculate by timing the insertion/query duration at a series of operation scale. To prevent slow methods from congesting my computer, I set timeout for each test.

Result & Findings

The following tables list the best performance acheived by different methods.

RPS for insertions:

Tricks -- WAL TSC TSC + WAL
1b1 153.9 (1x) 497.4 (3x) 13875.0 (90x) 13960.7 (90x)
BLK 54101.3 (352x) -- -- --
JSON 289494.5 (1881x) -- -- --
SPC 612193.6 (3978x) 601393.5 (3908x) -- --
  • -- in the column header indicates that no special tricks were used
  • -- in cells means that the method was not tested
  • The results are formatted as absolute rps (speed relative to 1b1). For example, 497.4 (3x) indicates that the method achieves 497.4 rows per seconds, and is 3 times faster than method 1b1

Based on the results, I found the following primary causes to the poor performance:

  • Transaction overhead. Transaction overhead is the time consumed for creating, commiting or rollbacking transactions. It was the primary causes of the poor performance. Simply switching the journal mechanism from DELETE, which is the default mode of SQLite, to WAL speeded RPS 3 times. The trick has no side effect and is recommended for everyone. It could be done as simple as:

    from peewee import SqliteDatabase
    conn = SqliteDatabase(path, pragmas={'journal_mode': 'wal'}) # Enable WAL

    To acquire a better performace, wrapping operations in a single transaction when possible gives a huge acceleration, 90 times faster than the 1b1 method. Here is the code for the method 1b1 + TSC:

    # File:
    class Sample(peewee.Model):
        id = peewee.AutoField()
        path = peewee.TextField(unique=True)
        # ...
    # File:
    with db.conn.atomic() as tsc: # Wrap writes into a transaction
        for i in range(sample_count):
            path = sample_path_fmt.format(i)
  • Binding overhead. Binding overhead is typical introduced by the higher-level librariy, i.e. the Peewee in this benchmark. The bindings adds a lot of overhead to each statement, and slows down the overall performance. For example, in the code of 1b1 + TSC, each call of db.Sample.create(path=path) invokes a SQL execution and adds the unwanted binding overhead.

    An intuitive optimization is to batch a lot of operations into a single SQL execution, such as BLK:

    samples = []
    for i in range(sample_count):
        path = sample_path_fmt.format(i)
        samples.append({"path": path})       # instead of executing SQL in the loop
    db.Sample.insert_many(samples).execute() # batch them into one SQL and execute here

    It generates SQL like:

    INSERT INTO sample (path)
    VALUES (?), (?), (?), ..., (?);

    Compared with 1b1 + TSC, BLK method was about 4 times faster.

    But for extremely large amount of insertion, the number of parameters, the number of ? in the SQL, may exceed the SQLite limitation, so transfering data in JSON format is a better option. Here is the cods for JSON method:

    SQL = """
    INSERT INTO sample (path)
    SELECT j.value ->> '$.path'
    FROM json_each(?) AS j;
    samples = []
    for i in range(sample_count):
        samples.append({"path": sample_path_fmt.format(i)})
    db.conn.execute_sql(SQL, (json.dumps(samples),))

    From the benchmark result, JSON method was about 5 times faster than BLK. It was the fastest method without leveraging the problem specific structure.

Above methods are universal that could be used in other scenarios. But for this benchmark, the fastest method SPC should make use of the problem structure:

SQL = """
FROM sample AS s1 JOIN sample AS s2
ON <;

It avoids the third type of overhead, data transfering. It is the overhead for transferring data between Python and SQLite. SPC is 2 times faster than JSON. Though performant, the method is not as universal as previous methods, as it requires that the information could be directly computed from an existing table, which is not a common situation.

RPS for query:

Tricks -- WAL
1b1 4217.2 (1x) 5065.9 (1.2x)
JSON 99220.8 (24x) 98848.6 (23x)
SPC 221999.2 (52x) 217852.7 (52x)

Query optimization is similar to insertion optimization, but different in terms of transaction overhead, which has far less impact on performance. Querying rows one-by-one gave the RPS of 4217.2, which is quite faster than the insertion.

To optimize the query performance, we should minimize the binding overhead, but BLK trick is not usable. Here is the code of BLK method for query:

qry_pairs = __gen_qry_pair(opt)
conditions = [
    (db.Result.a == a) & (db.Result.b == b)
    for a, b in qry_pairs
conditions = reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, conditions)
qry =

In the benchmark, it quickly ran into error at querying about 60 results. I was not sure if the restriction is posed by Peewee or SQLite, and quicky switched to JSON method:

SQL = """
SELECT r.a_id, r.b_id, r.val 
FROM result AS r JOIN json_each(?) AS j
WHERE r.a_id = (j.value ->> '$.a') AND r.b_id = (j.value ->> '$.b');
ary_list = []
for a, b in qry_pairs:
    ary_list.append({"a": a, "b": b})
rst = db.conn.execute_sql(SQL, (json.dumps(ary_list),))

JSON method is 24 times faster than 1b1 and universal for most applications.

In the project mentioned in the introduction, my need was to query the results of any pairs between two sample sets, and it inspired the method denoted as SPC in the table. The code is listed bellow:

SQL = """
WITH pair AS (
        WHEN s1.value < s2.value THEN s1.value
        ELSE s2.value
    END as aid,
        WHEN s1.value < s2.value THEN s2.value
        ELSE s1.value
    END as bid
    FROM json_each(?) as s1, json_each(?) as s2
SELECT aid, bid, r.val
FROM pair
JOIN result AS r
ON r.a_id = pair.aid AND r.b_id =;
rst = db.conn.execute_sql(SQL, (json.dumps(idset1), json.dumps(idset2)))

It is both convenient and performant, ideal for my project, but may not be used in other applicatons.

Optimization Advices

  1. Enable WAL mode in any situation

  2. Wrap writes into a single transaction

  3. Combine mutiple SQL execution into one execution. The relavent data could be done by either

    1. SQL parameters, more compatible with ORM frameworks
    2. JSON function, more performant but may need to write SQL manually
  4. Inspect the problem, and find optimization methods based on the problem structure

Database Schema

The database compromised 2 tables, sample and result.

Example rows in sample

id path
1 /dataset/xxxx.mat
2 /dataset/yyyy.mat
... ...
  • id was the self increasing primary key assigned by SQLite
  • path was the path pointing to the sample file

Example rows in result

a_id b_id val
1 2 -1
1 3 3
... ... ...
  • a_id, b_id were foreign keys referring table sample and they were also the primary key of result. To simplify coding, we stipulated that a_id should be smaller than b_id and the constraint, a_id < b_id, was defined at table creation.
  • val was the calculation result, with the negitave value as special flags that -1 meant pending for distribution, and -2 meant beening distributed and waiting for a result.

RPS Results

Insertion RPS

Sample Insertion

Sample Count 1b1 1b1 + TSC 1b1 + WAL 1b1 + WAL + TSC BLK JSON
100 153.9 (0.6 s) 6328.8 (0.0 s) 498.8 (0.2 s) 9793.2 (0.0 s) 12189.2 (0.0 s) 40469.4 (0.0 s)
1000 TIMEOUT 12589.3 (0.1 s) 497.4 (2.0 s) 13482.8 (0.1 s) 54946.3 (0.0 s) 227241.7 (0.0 s)
10000 TIMEOUT 13875.0 (0.7 s) TIMEOUT 13960.7 (0.7 s) 91620.1 (0.1 s) 365874.2 (0.0 s)
100000 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 86441.1 (1.2 s) 332334.6 (0.3 s)

Result Allocation (Slow Methods)

Result Count 1b1 1b1 + WAL 1b1 + TSC
45 138.7 (0.3 s) 479.7 (0.1 s) 3845.6 (0.0 s)
435 TIMEOUT 494.7 (0.9 s) 8805.7 (0.0 s)
1225 TIMEOUT 494.8 (2.5 s) 9919.7 (0.1 s)
2415 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 9890.0 (0.2 s)
4005 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 10282.4 (0.4 s)

Result Allocation (Fast Methods)

Result Count BLK 1b1 + WAL + TSC JSON
4950 53335.5 (0.1 s) 10288.6 (0.5 s) 224493.9 (0.0 s)
11175 52545.4 (0.2 s) 10347.7 (1.1 s) 265938.5 (0.0 s)
19900 54101.3 (0.4 s) 10334.3 (1.9 s) 280637.4 (0.1 s)
31125 52797.5 (0.6 s) TIMEOUT 289494.5 (0.1 s)
44850 51066.5 (0.9 s) TIMEOUT 283312.1 (0.2 s)
61075 48488.1 (1.3 s) TIMEOUT 274972.9 (0.2 s)
79800 50185.3 (1.6 s) TIMEOUT 266527.4 (0.3 s)
101025 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 281844.1 (0.4 s)
124750 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 278266.0 (0.4 s)
150975 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 273094.7 (0.6 s)
179700 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 274961.6 (0.7 s)
210925 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 278077.0 (0.8 s)
244650 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 270197.4 (0.9 s)
280875 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 271831.2 (1.0 s)
319600 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 272458.6 (1.2 s)
360825 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 197347.6 (1.8 s)
404550 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT 165734.0 (2.4 s)

Result Allocation (Problem Specific Methods)

Result Count SPC SPC + WAL
4950 354747.2 (0.0 s) 408807.1 (0.0 s)
19900 556475.2 (0.0 s) 571218.6 (0.0 s)
44850 555178.7 (0.1 s) 601393.5 (0.1 s)
79800 600041.5 (0.1 s) 540840.9 (0.1 s)
124750 612193.6 (0.2 s) 439438.8 (0.3 s)
179700 597780.5 (0.3 s) 456027.0 (0.4 s)
244650 610217.8 (0.4 s) 451484.7 (0.5 s)
319600 598742.0 (0.5 s) 432308.7 (0.7 s)
404550 261878.8 (1.5 s) 248389.2 (1.6 s)
499500 199371.1 (2.5 s) 186666.5 (2.7 s)
604450 169896.9 (3.6 s) 159021.0 (3.8 s)
719400 154525.9 (4.7 s) 141470.0 (5.1 s)
844350 141343.6 (6.0 s) 126209.7 (6.7 s)

Query RPS

Query Count 1b1 JSON SPC 1b1 + WAL JSON + WAL SPC + WAL
100 3936.8 (0.0 s) 49980.0 (0.0 s) 99147.3 (0.0 s) 4746.2 (0.0 s) 55549.4 (0.0 s) 71428.6 (0.0 s)
1000 4077.2 (0.2 s) 87725.5 (0.0 s) 166666.7 (0.0 s) 5065.9 (0.2 s) 82861.0 (0.0 s) 166800.1 (0.0 s)
2000 4116.4 (0.5 s) 92591.7 (0.0 s) 188686.4 (0.0 s) 5009.2 (0.4 s) 94344.1 (0.0 s) 201373.4 (0.0 s)
4000 3973.5 (1.0 s) 94552.8 (0.0 s) 215070.0 (0.0 s) 4946.8 (0.8 s) 95553.0 (0.0 s) 223314.0 (0.0 s)
8000 4029.9 (2.0 s) 96619.1 (0.1 s) 208464.7 (0.0 s) 4996.4 (1.6 s) 97730.0 (0.1 s) 216231.4 (0.0 s)
10000 4084.7 (2.4 s) 98878.3 (0.1 s) 221999.2 (0.0 s) 5017.7 (2.0 s) 96509.4 (0.1 s) 208531.4 (0.0 s)
11000 4078.2 (2.7 s) 99220.8 (0.1 s) 220002.6 (0.0 s) 5020.6 (2.2 s) 97943.9 (0.1 s) 210575.5 (0.1 s)
12000 4141.0 (2.9 s) 98586.4 (0.1 s) 205541.4 (0.1 s) 5039.6 (2.4 s) 97616.7 (0.1 s) 207652.7 (0.1 s)
13000 4157.3 (3.1 s) 98206.0 (0.1 s) 210088.8 (0.1 s) 5050.9 (2.6 s) 98848.6 (0.1 s) 208302.6 (0.1 s)
14000 4217.2 (3.3 s) 98754.8 (0.1 s) 211585.2 (0.1 s) 4890.7 (2.9 s) 97996.7 (0.1 s) 217852.7 (0.1 s)