
Lisp Interpreters and Code from "The Unknowable" (1999) and "The Limits of Mathematics" (2003)"by Gregory J. Chaitin.

Primary LanguageR

Here we have:

  • LISP interpreters in
  • example LISP programs and output from "The Limits of Mathematics" (ISBN-13 978-1852336684), and
  • example LISP programs from output from "The Unknowable" (ISBN-13: 978-9814021722)
  • Chapter 2 rendered in Markdown so it appears nicely on Github.

All of the the above, books and software, are written by Gregory J. Chaitin.

The above material all comes Archive.org:

Links to the code can be found off of the latter site.

Except for the LISP interpreter in Python, Most of the code was originally written circa 1999-2000. Surprisingly, the main LISP interpreter, lisp.c still runs as written but gives a couple of warning. Removing warnings is a very trivial changes line (adding int to the front of main()) and adding a single #include <stdlib.h>

However to preserve everything as written, the git branch urtext was created. See that for the original sources (or as close as I can get).

File extensions ending in .l are LISP programs; extensions ending in .r is output from running the program through the LISP interpreter.

File names that start in x are debugged and extended versions of their corresponding name without the x. For example xgodel3.l is an extended version of godel3.l.

Running the C LISP interpreter

After building the lisp executable (make lisp), run a lisp program, e.g. sets.l like this:

./lisp < sets.l

Running the LISP Python interpreter

To run a LISP program using Python, Python 3.11 or newer is needed. You can run a program like sets.l like this:

python lisp.py < sets.l

Using make to simpilify running

I have written a small Makefile to facilitate compiling the C program and running the code. If you have remake installed, you can get a list of targets by running: remake --tasks:

$ remake --tasks
all                  Build everything
clean                Clean programs
lisp                 Build C LISP interpreter
run-fixedpoint       Run fixedpoint LISP example through the LISP interpreter
run-godel            Run godel LISP example through the LISP interpreter

The above list is an example, it is abbreviated and probably out of date.

To run a LISP program using the C LISP interpreter, run make followed by the name of the LISP file, changing the final .l to .run.

For example, for sets.l:

make sets.run

To run a LISP program using the Python LISP interpreter, run make followed by the name of the LISP file, changing the final .l to .python-run.

For example, for sets.l:

make sets.python-run