
Computer Vision Journals List, Review Speed, Impact Factors

Computer Vision Journals List, Review Speed & Impact Factors Tweet


Journal First decision (weeks) Impact factor H Index SJR page
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19.5 6.79 242 URL
IEEE Intelligent Systems 22.7 2.596 111 URL


Journal First decision (weeks) Final decision (weeks) Impact factor Acceptance rate Ranking – CS/AI Ranking – Engineering
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 6.2 10.6 2.645 17% 43 99
Expert System with Applications 5.22 6.12 4.292 17% 20 42
Image and Vision Computing 12.6 16.8 2.747 16% 52
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 6.7 12.9 2.259 28%
Neural Networks 7.61 12.7 5.785 30% 7
Neurocomputing 8.4 15.5 4.072 47% 27
Pattern Recognition 9.3 14.9 5.898 19% 16 37


Journal First decision (days) Acceptance to online publication (days) Impact factor
Applied Intelligence - - 2.882
Journal of Classification 127 8 1.636
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 124 19 1.589
Machine Learning 63 40 2.809
Machine Vision and Applications 107 18 1.788
Neural Computing and Applications 99 15 4.664
Pattern Analysis and Applications 408 13 1.410
The Visual Computer 46 16 1.415

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⚠️ This is not a quasi-exhaustive list of computer vision journals. This catalogues servers as a starting point for young researchers so you will not find high profile journals like PAMI, IJCV etc.