
:memo: Your LaTeX-based assistant to count on when submitting your scientific documents

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

LaTeX-Journal-Assistant: Your LaTeX-based assistant to count on when submitting your scientific documents.


Use LaTeX-Journal-Assistant if you need a starting point for writing the necessery accompanying documents when you prepare a manuscript submission.

This repository contains code for the creating the following documents:

  • Cover letter (it can be used for the initial cover letter required during the submission process)
  • Response letter (it can be used for writting your responses to referees' reports)
  • Keynote abstract (it can be used for writting your keynote speech abstract)


If you want to have a sneak peek at the documents before deciding to fork or clone this repo, click the button below to download them

alt text


  • All code in this repository is under the MIT license as specified by the LICENSE file.
  • The current version of the response letter is based on the one released by Claudio Di Ciccio
  • The current version of the keynote speech abstract is based on the one released by Overleaf

Questions and Comments

We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Report a bug by opening a new issue; it's that easy!

Why this repo?

Because every time I want to submit a new manuscript I need to search online (and spent hours) trying to find a good template for those accompanying documents !


The LaTeX changes package

The changes LaTeX package provides manual change markup for LaTeX documents. The user enters changed text passages with special markup that is transformed into text with a special layout. The package provides a table of changes as well. The package is hosted on sourceforge, please feel free to participate by pointing out errors, making suggestions, providing a translation, or take part in the implementation. If you want to use the package, please use the sourceforge or ctan download, or install the package via your LaTeX distribution (such as MiKTeX, TeXLive etc.)

A fine documentation is provided with the package, including a manual and an excessive amount of examples.

A4 template

Revising a manuscript can be a tricky situation with plenty of note-keeping required. DotGridA4.pdf provides a useful A4 template that can be used for that puprose.


A guide on how to respond to peer reviewer's comments by Duke Kunshan University.