
Can we use explanations to improve hate speech models? Our paper accepted at AAAI 2021 tries to explore that question.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Recreating our results

The following readme is meant to give guidance to recreate the results in our paper. The HateXplain readme can be found under HateXplain_README.md in this repository.


To run the deep learning systems, you will need to create a virtual environment using requirements.txt For the rule based system and the preprocessing you need to install the POTATO and the imodels libraries in a different environment.


For this step, you don't need the virtual environment.

To create the relabeled dataset, run the relabelTargetFocus.py script found in the Preprocess folder.

python3 relabelTargetFocus.py [-h] --data_path DATA_PATH
                              [--split_path SPLIT_PATH]
                              [--mode {distinct,process,both}]
                              [--target {african,arab,asian,caucasian,christian,disability,economic,hindu,hispanic,homosexual,indian,islam,jewish,men,other,refugee,women}]
                              [--create_features] [--keep_disagreement]
                              [--remove_by_purity] [--graph_path GRAPH_PATH]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data_path DATA_PATH, -d DATA_PATH
                        Path to the json dataset.
  --split_path SPLIT_PATH, -s SPLIT_PATH
                        Path of the official split.
  --mode {distinct,process,both}, -m {distinct,process,both}
                        Mode to start the program. Modes: - distinct: cut the
                        dataset.json into distinct categorical json files -
                        process: load the chosen category as the target and
                        every other one as non-target - both: run the distinct
                        and the process after eachother
  --target {african,arab,asian,caucasian,christian,disability,economic,hindu,hispanic,homosexual,indian,islam,jewish,men,other,refugee,women}, -t {african,arab,asian,caucasian,christian,disability,economic,hindu,hispanic,homosexual,indian,islam,jewish,men,other,refugee,women}
                        The target group to set as our category.
  --create_features, -cf
                        Whether to create train features based on the UD
  --keep_disagreement, -kd
                        Whether to keep the data instances, where the
                        annotators all annotated with different labels.
  --remove_by_purity, -rp
                        Whether to remove the instances by purity, shrinking
                        the size of the dataset.
  --graph_path GRAPH_PATH, -gp GRAPH_PATH
                        Previously parsed graphs in the same data format as
                        the distinct mode produces

To create the updated config files, run the reconfig_config_files script. This only changes the dataset used as base and sets the number of classes to two.

python3 reconfig_config_files.py [-h] [--config_dir CONFIG_DIR]
                                 [--target_dir TARGET_DIR]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config_dir CONFIG_DIR, -c CONFIG_DIR
                        Directory of the config files
  --target_dir TARGET_DIR, -t TARGET_DIR
                        Name of the target directory, if you wish to train on
                        relabeled data, that only considers text against the
                        target offensive


To train the deep learning models you can run the manual_training_inference script wih each of the new config files.

python3 manual_training_inference.py [-h]
                                    --path_to_json --use_from_file

Train a deep-learning model with the given data

positional arguments:
  --path_to_json      The path to json containining the parameters
  --use_from_file     whether use the parameters present here or directly use
                      from file
  --attention_lambda  required to assign the contribution of the atention loss

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit

The rule based systems can be created with the choose_features script.

python3 choose_features.py [-h] [--train_dir TRAIN_DIR] [--target TARGET]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --train_dir TRAIN_DIR, -t TRAIN_DIR
                        The directory of the training files
  --target TARGET, -tar TARGET
                        The target of the hate


To create the predictions for the deep learning system, run the test_runs.sh script. This will create the predictions over the ground truth portion of the dataset. To create predictions over the whole dataset run test_runs_keep.sh


The rules' output can be generated with rules_testing.py

python3 rules_testing.py [-h] [--config CONFIG]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        A particular config file or a path to the config
                        files. If it's a directory, all of the configs

Then we can generate the final scores with test_eraser and test_eraser_rule_no_keep
