Sources of Australian GLAM data

GLAM datasets from government data portals

These are datasets from a range of GLAM organisations around Australia that have been shared through state and national open government data portals. As of October 2024, there were 443 datasets, containing 1251 data files, from 22 organisations.

GLAM data portals & repositories

GLAM collection APIs

Other downloadable datasets

Full text



Trove books

Trove contributors

Trove government

Trove images

Trove lists and tags

Trove manuscript finding aids

Trove maps

Trove newspapers

Trove oral histories & sound

Trove periodicals

Trove web archives (Pandora)

Other portals providing access to machine-readable GLAM data

Zotero compatibility

Custom Zotero translators or embedded metadata allow the capture of metadata and digitised objects from the following GLAM databases:

For more information on Zotero support within the Australian GLAM sector see this spreadsheet.

Contributing to this list

  • Click on the pencil icon to open the page for editing on GitHub.
  • Follow these instructions to enter, preview, and save your suggested changes.

When you click on the pencil icon, GitHub automatically creates a copy of the repository in your own account. Once you've finished making your changes it'll prompt you to create a pull request, to feed the changes back to the main GLAM Workbench repository. Each pull request is reviewed before the changes go live.

See Add links to related resources for more information.