
The Trivia-API is an API that provides trivia questions and allows users to add more questions to the database. It is built using Flask and MySQL databases.

API Documentation

Get Question

To retrieve trivia questions, send a GET request to the /get-questions endpoint. The response will be a JSON object containing the question, question ID, and category of the question. You can also filter questions based on a specific category by using the category query parameter, like this: /get-questions?category='category'.

Get Answer

To obtain the answer to a specific question, send a GET request to the /get-answer/{question-id} endpoint, where {question-id} is the ID of the question you want the answer for. The response will be a JSON object containing the answer.

Add Question

To add a new question to the database, send a POST request to the /add-question endpoint. The request body should be a JSON object that includes the following properties: question, answer, and category. Provide the question as a string, the answer as a string, and the category as a string. The API will add the question to the database.

Example request body:

  "question": "What is the capital of France?",
  "answer": "Paris",
  "category": "Geography"

Make sure to set the appropriate headers and content type when making the request.


The Trivia-API provides an interface for retrieving trivia questions and adding new questions to the database. It can be integrated into various applications and platforms to enhance user engagement and knowledge.