
Brazilian mini game made in 7 days for the GBJam by Gamejolt, on August 8, 2014

Primary LanguageC#

Cthulhu Ate My Soldiers

Start screen

From the depths of human thought emerges the representation of the most primal of conflicts. Even before the existence of enough beings to be recognized the species, Man has waged endless struggles against his own conscience. In Cthulhu ate my Soldiers the player has the chance to command the unpronounceable Cthullu and experience it's real duty in the universe: prevent humans from destroying their own reason - illustrated (to be seen by mortal eyes) here by the Egg - through irrational acts, giving them light through the lucidity, materialized in Necronomicon, the sacred book, "Knower of the Laws of the Dead", that is, the beginning of the whole.

Das profundezas do pensamento humano emerge a representação do mais primordial dos conflitos. Antes mesmo da existência de seres suficientes para que fosse reconhecida a espécie, o Homem já travava infindáveis lutas contra sua própria consciência. Em Cthulhu ate my Soldiers o jogador tem a chance de comandar o impronunciável Cthulhu e experimentar sua real função no universo: impedir que os seres humanos destruam sua própria razão - aqui ilustrada (para olhos mortais) pelo Ovo - por meio de atos irracionais, concedendo-os a luz através da lucidez, materializada em Necronomicon, o livro sagrado das Leis Mortas, isto é, o princípio do todo.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die." - H. P. Lovecraft


Made by Guilherme Bermêo, Guilherme Dias and Yuri Farion.

Originally published On

August 8, 2014 for the #GBJam at Gamejolt


  • Mild Cartoon Violence
  • Mild Language
  • Comical Shenanigans