Airbnb Clone - The console

Project Description

This project aims to build a command-line application (CLI) that serves as the backend for an Airbnb-like platform. This console app will allow users to manage various aspects of the platform, including:

Creating and managing user accounts: Users can register, login, and update their information.
Adding and editing listings: Hosts can create listings for their properties, specifying details like location, amenities, and price.
Searching and booking accommodations: Guests can search for available listings based on their criteria and book their stays.
Managing reservations: Hosts and guests can manage their reservations, including checking availability, making payments, and reviewing each other.

This project will utilize Python and leverage object-oriented programming to model different entities like users, listings, reservations, etc. It will also implement a file-based storage system to persist data. Description of the Command Interpreter

The command interpreter acts as the interface for users to interact with the Airbnb platform. It provides a prompt where users can enter commands to manipulate data. The interpreter parses the commands, identifies the action requested, retrieves or updates the relevant data, and presents the results.

Here are some key features of the command interpreter:

Interactive: Users can repeatedly enter commands and receive feedback.
Command-based: Each operation is triggered by a specific command.
Flexible: The interpreter supports various commands for different functionalities.
Extensible: New commands can be added to expand the app's capabilities.

Starting the Project


Python 3.x installed
Virtual environment (recommended)


Clone the project repository or download the project files.
Open a terminal in the project directory.
Create a virtual environment (optional): python3 -m venv venv.
Activate the virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate (Linux/Mac) or venv\Scripts\activate.bat (Windows).
Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt.
Run the main script: python3

Using the Command Interpreter

Once the command interpreter starts, it will display a prompt. Users can then enter commands to perform various actions. The available commands are listed below:

create: Creates a new entity (user, listing, reservation).
show: Displays details of an existing entity.
update: Modifies attributes of an existing entity.
destroy: Deletes an existing entity.
all: Lists all entities of a specific type or all entities in the system.
count: Counts the number of entities of a specific type.
help: Displays help information about a specific command or all commands.
quit: Exits the command interpreter.

```Create a new user:```

create user --name "Simon Peter" --email "" --password "password"

```Show the details of a listing:```

show listing --id 12345

Update the price of a listing:

update listing --id 12345 --price 100

```List all users:```

all user

```Get the number of available listings:```

count listing --available

```Exit the command interpreter:```
