
Node-Tenk is a simple wrapper around the 10000ft API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coverage Status

Node-Tenk is a simple wrapper around the 10000ft API.

It is designed around this common pattern of methods:

Method Behaviour
all() Fetch a collection of resources
show() Fetch an individual resource
create() Create a resource
update() Update a resource
remove() Deletes a resource

All methods accept an object literal providing the parameters for the API request. This typically comprises id values for the resources requested and an options object. This options object's purpose varies depending on the request type.

Method Options object behaviour
all() Input to a query string
show() Input to a query string
create() POST request body
update() PUT request body
remove() N/A

All API calls are asynchronous and return promises.


npm install node-tenK


Create a client

The client defaults to the staging server to prevent accidental manipulation of important data.

const TenK = new TenK({token: 'YOUR_STAGING_API_TOKEN'});

To initialise a production client simply pass in the production apiBase as well as your production token.

const TenK = new TenK({token: 'YOUR_PRODUCTION_API_TOKEN', apiBase: 'https://app.10000ft.com/api/v1/'});


TenK.approvals.all({ options: {} });
TenK.approvals.create({ options:{} });
TenK.approvals.remove({ approvalId:## });


TenK.disciplines.all({ options: {} });
TenK.disciplines.show({ disciplineId:## });


TenK.holidays.all({ options: {} });


For available options for Projects read the official 10000ft API docs.

# Get all projects for this account
TenK.projects.all({ options:{} });

# Show a specific project
TenK.projects.show({ projectId:##, options: {}});

# Create a new projects
TenK.projects.create({ options: {} });

# Update a project
TenK.projects.update({ projectId:##, options:{} });

# Delete a project
TenK.projects.remove({ projectId:## });


By Project

TenK.projects.assignments.all({ projectId:## });
TenK.projects.assignments.show({ projectId:##, assignmentId:## });

Bill Rates

By Project

TenK.projects.billRates.all({ projectId:##, options:{} });
TenK.projects.billRates.show({ projectId:##, billRateId:## });
TenK.projects.billRates.create({ projectId:##, options:{} });
TenK.projects.billRates.update({ projectId:##, billRateId:##, options:{} });
TenK.projects.billRates.remove({ projectId:##, billRateId:## });

By User

TenK.users.billRates.all({ userId:## });
TenK.users.billRates.show({ userId:##, billRateId:## });
TenK.users.billRates.update({ userId:##, billRateId:##, options: {} });
TenK.users.billRates.remove({ userId: ##, billRateId:## });

Expense entries

By Project

TenK.projects.expenseEntries.all({ projectId:## });
TenK.projects.expenseEntries.show({ projectId:##, expenseEntryId:## });
TenK.projects.expenseEntries.create({ projectId:##, options: {} });

By User

TenK.users.expenseEntries.all({ userId:## });
TenK.users.expenseEntries.show({ userId:##, expenseEntryId:## });
TenK.users.expenseEntries.remove({ userId: ##, expenseEntryId: ## });


By Project

TenK.projects.tags.all({ projectId: ## });
TenK.projects.tags.show({ projectId: ##, tagId: ## });

By User

TenK.users.tags.all({ userId: ## });
TenK.users.tags.all({ userId: ##, tagId: ## });

Time entries

Tenk.timeEntries.all({ options:{} });
Tenk.timeEntries.show({ timeEntryId:##, options:{} });

By Project

TenK.projects.timeEntries.all({ projectId:## });
TenK.projects.timeEntries.show({ projectId:##, timeEntryId:## });
TenK.projects.timeEntries.create({ projectId:##, options: {} });
TenK.projects.timeEntryCategories.all({ projectId:## }); //

By User

TenK.users.timeEntries.all({ userId:## });
TenK.users.timeEntries.show({ userId:##, timeEntryId:## });
TenK.users.timeEntries.create({ options: {} });
TenK.users.timeEntries.update({ userId:##, timeEntryId:##, options:{} });
TenK.users.timeEntries.remove({ userId:##, timeEntryId:## });
TenK.users.timeEntryCategories.all({ userId:## }); //

Project phases

TenK.projects.phases.all({ projectId:## });


TenK.users.all({ options:{} });
TenK.users.show({ userId:## });
TenK.users.create({ options:{} });

By Project

TenK.projects.users.all({ projectId:## });

User Assignments

TenK.users.assignments.all({ userId:## });
TenK.users.assignments.create({ userId:## });
TenK.users.assignments.remove({ userId:##, assignmentId:## });

User availability

TenK.users.availability.all({ userId:## });
TenK.users.availability.show({ userId:##, availabilityId:## });
TenK.users.availability.create({ userId:##, options:{} });
TenK.users.availability.update({ userId:##, availabilityId:##, options:{} });
TenK.users.availability.remove({ userId:##, availabilityId:## });


TenK.placeholders.all({ options:{} });
TenK.placeholders.show({ placeholderId:## });
TenK.placeholders.create({ options:{} });
TenK.placeholders.update({ placeholderId:##, options: {} });
TenK.placeholders.remove({ placeholderId:## });

By Project

TenK.projects.placeholders.all({ projectId:## });