
Destiny Status code base

Primary LanguagePHP


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This project is based on the Laravel framework [v5.5].

Please read these instructions on how to configure your server to get started.

Understanding Branches

  • master - developer branch of production destinystatus.com
  • destiny1 - legacy version of d1.destinystatus.com
  • legacy - original Laravel 4.2 version of d1 destinystatus
  • production - production destinystatus.com (follows master)

Project dependecies:

  • PHP >= 7.0
    • zip extension
    • sqlite3 extension
  • Mcrypt extension
  • Node.js
  • Composer

Install the framework

  1. Copy the file .env.example to .env
  2. Edit .env with any information needed (Bugsnag, environment)
  3. Visit the Destiny API Registration Portal to sign up for an API key
  4. Add your key to .env under the DESTINY_KEY
  5. composer install
  6. php artisan key:generate

Compile CSS/JS

  1. Install yarn: npm install -g yarn
  2. Install npm dependencies: yarn install
  3. Build:
    • Local: yarn run dev
    • Production: yarn run prod