
Docksal development environment commands provided as part of VML's Drupal KIT distribution.

Primary LanguageShell

Drupal KIT Docksal Commands

The project uses Docksal for local-environment development and project-building. To get these to install correctly for your project, make sure that ".docksal/commands/kit": ["vmlyr-drupal/kit-docksal-commands"], is set correctly in the extra / installer-paths section of the project's composer.json file.

The following is a list of the KIT-specific Docksal commands included:

  • kit/check-url – Runs through the collection of URLs listed in the .docksal/configuration.urlcheck.yml file and checks whether any of them return a 200.
  • kit/check-watchdog – Counts the current number of errors currently listed in a sites watchdog log. This is best used in-tandem with check-urls on CI pull-request builds to check whether any of the pages are throwing warnings or errors. The builder can then set a threshold on allowed number of warnings or errors.
  • kit/conf – A wrapper command used in lieu of drush cex/cim which helps handle environment-specific configuration export and import. Please Note: To correctly export as an environment, the environment first needs to be imported. The changes can then be made and exported. This makes sure that there is no environment cross-polution. Typically, importing and exporting as "local" is the most fool-proof way of handling configuration unless an environment-specific change needs to be made.
  • kit/ddrush – Runs any Drush command inside the project docroot.
  • kit/eslint – Run eslint against specified files and/or directories.
  • kit/init-db – To initialize or reinitialize one or multiple site's databases based on their drush alias files.
  • kit/init-theme – Use this command to auto-create new themes based on VMLY&R's scaffolding themes.
  • kit/lint – Run lint against specified files and/or directories.
  • kit/phpcbf – Run Code Beautifier & Fixer (phpcbf) against a given path.
  • kit/phpcs – Run Code Sniffer (phpcs) against a given path.
  • kit/swig – A wrapper for running front-end development tools, like gulp-watch and gulp-build. Theme source and commands can be modified via the .docksal/configuration.swig.yml in the docksal directory.
  • kit/sync – Sync database (and optionally files) to a local environment from an external environment. After the database is imported, the site runs various updates and imports configuration as a specified (default: local) environment.