
2nd lab

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Adventure Game


  1. database.sql contains the mysql script for building the database
  2. run terminal/console
  3. cd to project directory
  4. make install


  • The Makefile install ensures all dependencies are there
  • There is a test user already in the database (username: test password: test).
  • There is no validation on inserting a user into the database other than what mysql performs
  • There is no hashing/salting of passwords
  • There is no flash messages to the user on the screen of backend processes
  • Quickly going through the map may prevent from the next place loading on screen, but the player on the the backend will still have been updated
  • Passwords are stored in plain text (yes, this is bad but fine for the project)

APIs: cookies - https://github.com/expressjs/cookies For handling cookies body-parser - https://github.com/expressjs/body-parser For easy handling of any data sent to the server node-mysql - https://github.com/felixge/node-mysql For connecting to a mysql server and making queries