
get every possible palindrome within a word

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Get every possible palindrome within a word


var PSolver = require('palindrome-solver');

var word = "anna";

var solver = new PSolver();

solver.palindromes(word, function(answer) {
  //answer is an array
  console.log(answer.type, '('+ answer.result.length +')-->', answer.result);

// palindromes run time: 0ms
// palindromes (6)--> [ 'aa', 'nn', 'ana', 'nan', 'anna', 'naan' ]

solver.combinations(word, function(answer) {
  //answer is an array
  console.log(answer.type, '('+ answer.result.length +')-->', answer.result);

// combinations run time: 0ms
// combinations (18)-->
// [ 'a',
//   'n',
//   'an',
//   'aa',
//   'na',
//   'nn',
//   'ann',
//   'ana',
//   'aan',
//   'nan',
//   'naa',
//   'nna',
//   'anna',
//   'anan',
//   'aann',
//   'nana',
//   'naan',
//   'nnaa' ]


Finding all permutations of a word is O(n!) where n is the number of characters in the word. You've been warned.


Only unique combinations are returned. Max possible combinations is N!.