
js parse challenge with solution

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Parser Challenge

Given any string with the following format:

var rawString = "buildings{house{kitchen{oven,fridge},garage{car,bike},bathroom{sink,tub}},office{meetingroom{telephone,projector},kitchen{coffeemaker,watercooler},parkinggarage{cars{gears,handlebars},bikes}}}";


  • What kind of structure do you see in the string?
  • Is there a logical way to represent this string as a data structure?


  1. Write a parser that will take the parse a string with the above format and return an organized structure.
  • EXTRA: Write a function that takes your new structure and returns the original string as the result.


  1. Solution must be written in javascript.
  • Your solution should work for any string with the above format.
  • Comment your code.
  • Make your code as readable as possible.
  • No third party libraries allowed.