
code for paper 'Learning View and Target Invariant Visual Servoing for Navigation'

Primary LanguagePython


code for paper 'Learning View and Target Invariant Visual Servoing for Navigation'


Setup GibsonEnv

Download and install gibson environment from https://github.com/StanfordVL/GibsonEnv.

git checkout d3aa0a1

Generate Training and Testing data

python sample_image_pairs_with_common_area.py --scene_idx=0
python visualize_sampled_image_pairs.py

Learned Visual Servoing Model

To train a learned-vs model through DQN,

python vs_controller/train_DQN_vs_overlap.py

To evaluate the performance of the trained model,

python vs_controller/evaluate_DQN_vs.py

Classical VS Model

Test the vs model using sift and ground-truth depth,

python visual_servoing/test_IBVS_SIFT_interMatrix_gtDepth_Vz_OmegaY.py  --scene_idx=$i

Generate Occupancy Map

Used some code from https://github.com/tenther/cs685-project.

To generate nice occupancy maps for the used Gibson environments,

sh rrt/run_make_rrt.sh