Event-Driven with Python and Kafka

This repository is based on LiveProject in Manning

Part 1 - Python and Kafka

Using this docker-compose

Start the container

docker compose up -d

Check connection to Kafka

nc -zv localhost 9092

Check connection to Zookeeper

nc -zv localhost 2181


docker-compose exec -it kafka /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --producer.config /opt/bitnami/kafka/config/producer.properties --topic test


docker-compose exec -it kafka /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test

Part 2 - Observability

Produce message in topic in file hello_word.py. After send we specify the topic and message.

poetry run faust -A hello_world send hello "Hello Kafka topic"   
poetry run faust -A hello_world send greeting "Greeting Kafka topic2222222" 

Start worker

 poetry run faust -A hello_world worker -l info

Improve architecture

Old architecture

Problems with this architecture

1 - With read/write in database

2 - If we need to update at least one task we need to stop all other tasks

3 - Since we are working with batch, we can receive a lot of data in the scheduler period, so parts we could need a lot of computation to complete some tasks

4 - Due to systems being dependent if the first system doesn't finish before the timer, then the second system will be operating with an in complete state.

New architecture

Explaining the numbers in the new architecture

1 - Receive data from user

2 - Validate data (using Table in Faust)

3 - Aggregate data (using Table in Faust)

4 - Make a request to external service

5 - Run Machine Learning model

6 - Sink data in Database, could be a data warehouse

7 - Transfer data to BI tool

8 - Acess BI tool to visualization

In this architecture only write data before we pass all tasks, also can by pass if same data in different or there is other need. Finnaly, we are working with streaming data so we are dealing with small amount of data

poetry run faust -A app worker -l info

Part 3 - Automate Reports