
python tools for manipulating fault geometries

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python tools for manipulating fault geometries.

Getting started

1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/GNS-Science/eq-fault-geom.git
2. Setup a Python virtulenv


  • python >=Python 3.7

  • python pip3

  • python virtualenv

3. Create and activate Python virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 eqf_venv
source eqf_venv/bin/activate
4. Install required packages in virtual environment
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


5. Install eq-fault_geom package
pip install -e .

6. Run the tests

To run all the tests:

python setup.py test


Proposed initial layout of Python package.

Top-level directories:

  • data - Test data (e.g., example Tsurfs, .grd files, etc.)
  • src/geomio - Subpackage for performing I/O on fault geometry
  • src/geomops - Subpackage for performing operations on geometry (e.g., surface fitting, cutting/truncating surfaces, etc.)
  • src/meshing - Subpackage for either meshing using pytriangle or creating meshing commands for Trelis
  • src/faultmeshio - Subpackage for I/O on different mesh formats (Tsurfs, RSQSim, OpenSHA, etc.)
  • src/meshops - Subpackage for mesh operations (eg., edge extraction, transformations, etc.)

I haven't yet decided if we need a subpackage for coordinate transformations. I would assume we would primarily rely on pyproj for that.

Anticipated dependencies: numpy, scipy, pyproj, pytriangle, netCDF4, XML package (not sure which), shapely

Possible future dependencies: h5py, Python XDMF writer

It's better to keep requirement.txt without combining it with setup.py
