
renamed successor to old nshm-nz-opensha , all python history removed to new nzshm-runzi repo

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


NZ NSHM Programme opensha applications (patterned on the UCERF3 part of https://github.com/opensha/opensha)


  • adapt the NZ Fault model from CFM NZ to suit the opensha tools
  • extend opensha to support subduction interface fault models. This is needed for the (in)famous 'Hikurangi'.

Getting started

Pre-requirements: git and jdk11

git clone https://github.com/GNS-Science/opensha.git &&\
git clone https://github.com/GNS-Science/nzshm-opensha.git

You might need to check out the correct branch for the opensha project. The branch name will be in gradle.yml in the nzshm-opensha project as the ref of the Clone opensha step. As of writing, this is fix/rup-normalization-2024.

cd opensha
git checkout fix/rup-normalization

Now you can jump into this project

cd nzshm-opensha

and build ....

.\gradlew build

or test just this code

 .\gradlew localTests --info

Test reports are found at ./build/reports/tests/localTests/index.html

or test everything (slow....)

 .\gradlew test

Run or Reproduce NZSHM22 Results

See doc/how-to-run.md

Releases on github

Github can build release fatjars and push them to S3.

  • In order to trigger a build, tag a commit as release/<my release version string>.
  • <my release version string> will be added to the jar's file name.
  • It will also be available inside the jar through nz.cri.gns.NZSHM22.util.GitVersion.
  • Release jars will only be created if all tests pass.
  • Release jars will be uploaded to a specific S3 bucket.
  • To verify that it's working, check that the github action for the tag has succeeded. Specifically the "Upload to S3" task should end with "upload: main/build/libs/nzshm-opensha-all-1.0.jar to s3://***/nzshm-opensha-all-1.0.jar" (if "1.0" is your release version string).