
Zabbix template and PowerShell script for monitoring Symantec Backup Exec (Russian language support)

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Zabbix template and PowerShell script for monitoring Symantec Backup Exec

Based on

https://share.zabbix.com/cat-app/backup/symantec-backup-exec-jobs (https://github.com/romainsi/zabbix-BackupExec-jobs) and forums (sorry cant find url) for cyrillic symbols (in jobs name) compatibility


  1. In script line (kind of fasthack) for timezone correction change for yours if needed: $job_Result1 = (New-TimeSpan -Start $date -end $job_Result).TotalSeconds - 10800
  2. Template contain Value mapping - Symantec Job Status, Symantec Job Type, Windows service state

Tested on Symantec Backup Exec 2012 and Windows Server 2008R2