Decoder according to the method of the Cardano lattice.
First of all you must to create a files with encrypted text and with Cardano grid.
To get the decrypted text, you need to run the following command:
./zhi_two -k keys.txt -t text.txt
Then you will see the following:
Hello. This is Kardano show!
Nice to meet you! Let's start!
Your key file will be: keys.txt
Your plaintext file will be: text.txt
Your key:
Your encr phrase: zуzzxxxxzz zxбxяzтzz xбxzzеzxxxxyyyycрccyбyрccаcаyтycкccyyyycc,c
Your plain text: у тебя брак,брат
At the output of the program you will receive a plaintext.txt
file with the decrypted text.