Set of laboratory tasks for course of system software (5 semester)
Simple example of lexical and syntax analyzer. Without building AST (abstract syntax tree).
Simple example of lexical and syntax analyzer. With building AST (abstract syntax tree).
Simple example of lexical and syntax analyzer. With building AST (abstract syntax tree). Work with if/while/for operators.
Simple example of lexical and syntax analyzer. With building AST (abstract syntax tree) and code generation GAS (GNU Assembler).
- build table of lexemes, scanner of Pascal's code;
- build abstract syntax tree, parser of Pascal's code;
- generate assembler-like code;
You have to fork this repository, create your branch and complete tasks. All changes you will be commit and push in your forked repository. After you make sure that everything works, you send pull request to this repository. For updating (synchronize) your copy (fork) repository, you have to set upstream to this repository, fetch changes from the upstream (this) repository, merge the changes into your local repository and push them to your remote repository.
To work with git you should to use Github client (*nix systems already have git CLI client) and Git CLI. Google next terms:
git clone
git add
git commit -m
git merge
git pull
git push
git rebase
git log
git diff
git fetch
git remote