
GPCDZ code challenge


GPCDZ code challenge

The task

Design and implement a simple service provide REST API for Entity,

the service will have an endpoint for managing Entity(create, update, delete, list all entities, get entity).

The entity is described like this:

  • socialMedia : string required
  • dateCreation : date required
  • dateUpdate : date required
  • createdBy : user required
  • latitud : long required
  • longitud long required
  • description : string
  • type : string

for the column createdBy [user] we need to use another service called userService, this service will be provided to you the user service Expose endpoint to manage users. the service is protected by a simple token to secure the endpoints just for the simplicity, to get a token you need just to use GET /api/token

Example request:

GET /api/token
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


the token expired after 10 minutes from the token creation. the timestamp is the creation date of the token.

To use the userService API you need to add token in the header for every request

Example Header

key = Authorization, value = Bearer wAUnAd9ZEhwbAfFX2n5b

If the token is invalid or expired, or even if its not included in the header, you will get http status 401 unauthorized.

The userSerice API

Users endpoint

Status codes:

  • 200 No error
  • 201 Created
  • 400 Bad reaquest
  • 401 unauthorized
  • 204 No Content

Create user

POST /api/users


POST /api/users/
Content-Type: application/json
     "username": "gpcdz",

Example result

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
  Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "58a48a51ed187c0688694301",
  "username": "gpcdz",
  "firstName": "gpc",
  "lastName": "dz",
  "email": "contact@gpcdz.com"

Get User

GET /api/users/id or name


GET /api/users/58a48a51ed187c0688694301

Example result

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
  Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "58a48a51ed187c0688694301",
  "username": "gpcdz",
  "firstName": "gpc",
  "lastName": "dz",
  "email": "contact@gpcdz.com"

list all the Users

GET /api/users


GET /api/users

Example result

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
  Content-Type: application/json

        "id": "58a48a51ed187c0688694301",
        "username": "gpcdz",
        "firstName": "gpc",
        "lastName": "dz",
        "email": "contact@gpcdz.com"
        "id": "58a48c06ed187c0688694303",
        "username": "new",
        "firstName": "foo",
        "lastName": "bar",
        "email": "contact@me.com"

Delete User

DELETE /api/users/id


DELETE /api/users/58a48a51ed187c0688694301

Example result

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Update user

The username and the email they can not be updated

PUT /api/users


PUT /api/users
Content-Type: application/json
    "id": "58a48a51ed187c0688694301",
     "username": "gpcdz",

Example result

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok

to use the api you run it locally using docker

First pull the Images

Pull mongodb image docker pull mongo

Pull userservice image

docker pull smidaamine/userservice

Run the containers

Run mongodb container don't forget to change '/my/own/datadir'

docker run --name db -v /my/own/datadir:/data/db -d mongo

Run userService container dont forget to change '/my/own/datadir'

docker run --name userserice --link db:db -p 5999:5999 -d smidaamine/userservice

now you can use userserice endpoints



extra infos

Technologies we'd like you to use:

  • Spring (Boot), but you could use anything you want
  • Unit and integration testes
  • Git - please create repo and do regular commits just like this was any other production project