OpenElections Dashboard is a clearinghouse for state election data. The Dashboard will feature information about election agencies, sources of certified results, and the status of the project's data gathering operation.
$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev memcached
Create a virtualenv
$ virtualenv openelections
Jump in and activate
$ cd openelections
$ . bin/activate
Clone the repository and jump in
$ git clone repo
$ cd repo
Install the python dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Add the dashboard
directory to your PYTHONPATH
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`/dashboard
Create a
from the template
$ cp dashboard/config/ dashboard/config/
Edit the local settings with your database name and secret key
$ vim dashboard/config/
Create the database.
# Here's using the default postgresql backend and database name
$ sudo -u postgres createdb openelections-dashboard
Sync the database and catch up with all the migrations
$ export
$ syncdb
$ migrate hub
Load initial metadata
$ loaddata dashboard/apps/hub/fixtures/initial_metadata.json
Fire up the development server
$ runserver