
I need a tool generator web application that can create code templates for various types of tools based on user input. The application should have a form where users can input details such as the tool name, description, primary programming language, frameworks, input type, output type, and additional features. The tool should then generate a basic code template in the specified programming language with placeholders for the provided details.

The application should be built using Flask for the backend and a simple HTML/CSS/JavaScript frontend. Here are the requirements:

  1. Create a directory structure with an file, a templates folder containing an index.html file, a static folder containing css and js folders for styles and scripts respectively, and a requirements.txt file.

  2. The file should set up a Flask server with two routes:

    • / for rendering the main HTML page.
    • /generate_tool for handling POST requests with tool details and returning the generated code.
  3. The index.html file should have a form with fields for the tool name, description, primary programming language, frameworks, input type, output type, and additional features. Each field should have a tooltip providing additional information. The form should have a submit button that triggers a JavaScript function to send the form data to the /generate_tool endpoint and display the generated code.

  4. The styles.css file should style the form and the page layout to make it user-friendly and visually appealing. The layout should be clear and the elements should be easy to interact with.

  5. The scripts.js file should handle the form submission, send the data to the backend, and display the generated code on the page. It should also include a function to download the generated code as a text file.

  6. The requirements.txt file should include Flask as a dependency.

Ensure the generated tool code is well-formatted and includes placeholders for user-provided details. The generated code should be returned as a JSON response and displayed in a preformatted text block on the frontend. Additionally, provide a download option for the generated code.

Please implement this application following best practices for clean and maintainable code.

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Tech stack

This project is built with .

  • Vite
  • React
  • shadcn-ui
  • Tailwind CSS


git clone
cd tool-generator-webapp
npm i
npm run dev

This will run a dev server with auto reloading and an instant preview.
