
agsGetCrossfireGPUCount() return incorrect result when running in Window Mode

aik6980 opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying to use agsGetCrossfireGPUCount() to examine the application if Crossfire is currently Enabled. In Windows mode, I cannot see AMD Crossfire Logo, which indicated that Crossfire Rendering Mode is OFF, however, agsGetCrossfireGPUCount() still return num_gpu > 1;

Actually, agsGetCrossfireGPUCount() return the same result regardless of running in Windows or Fullscreen, but Crossfire rendering seem to work only in Fullscreen.

Could you please advise? Are there any other functions I can use to examine Crossfire Rendering?

Wittawat K


Crossfire is only active in exclusive fullscreen mode. So if you are in a window, then the driver will not be doing AFR.

Something to also consider is that, by default, agsGetCrossfireGPUCount returns the number of Crossfire GPUs in your machine. After calling agsDriverExtensionsDX11_Init, if the Crossfire API is active (check for the AGS_DX11_EXTENSION_CROSSFIRE_API flag) then the GPU count will be 2 if your app profile allows Crossfire, otherwise it will return 1.

For AGS v5.2, I'll be removing agsGetCrossfireGPUCount and returning you the Crossfire GPU count in the DX11 device creation call so that you don't get caught out by the order of the function calls.


Now in 5.2