Step 1: Set Up the Project Structure
Create a directory structure: - A main directory for the project (e.g., phonebook/). - Inside this directory, create files for your classes and main program: Contact.hpp, Contact.cpp, PhoneBook.hpp, PhoneBook.cpp, and main.cpp. - Also, create a Makefile in the main directory.
Step 2: Define the Contact Class
Create the header file Contact.hpp:
Declare a Contact class. - Add private member variables for first name, last name, nickname, phone number, and darkest secret. - Declare public setter methods to set each of the member variables. - Declare public getter methods to retrieve the value of each member variable. - Declare a method to check if any of the member variables are empty (to ensure a contact is fully filled).
Implement the Contact class in Contact.cpp: - Implement the constructor to initialize member variables. - Implement the setter methods to assign values to the member variables. - Implement the getter methods to return the values of the member variables. - Implement the method to check if any of the member variables are empty.
Step 3: Define the PhoneBook Class
Create the header file PhoneBook.hpp:
Declare a PhoneBook class. - Add a private array of Contact objects to store contacts (maximum of 8). - Add private variables to keep track of the next index for storing a contact and the total number of contacts. - Declare public methods to add a contact, display a list of contacts, and display details of a specific contact.
Implement the PhoneBook class in PhoneBook.cpp: - Implement the constructor to initialize the contact array and other member variables. - Implement the method to add a contact, replacing the oldest contact if the array is full. - Implement the method to display a formatted list of contacts (with index, first name, last name, nickname). - Implement the method to display the details of a contact given its index.
Step 4: Implement the Main Program
Create main.cpp: Include the PhoneBook header. Write a loop to prompt the user for commands: ADD, SEARCH, and EXIT. For ADD: - Prompt the user to input each field of the contact. - Use the Contact class setters to set these fields. - Check if the contact is valid (none of the fields are empty). - Add the contact to the PhoneBook. For SEARCH: - Display the list of contacts using the PhoneBook method. - Prompt the user for the index of the contact they want to view. - Display the details of the selected contact. For EXIT: - Exit the loop and terminate the program. - Handle any invalid commands by displaying an appropriate message.
Step 5: Create the Makefile
Write a Makefile: - Define the compiler and compiler flags (-Wall -Wextra -Werror -std=c++98). - List the source files and object files. - Write rules to compile the object files and link them to create the executable. - Include a rule for cleaning up object files and the executable.
Step 6: Compile and Run the Program
Open a terminal in the project directory.
Run the make command to compile the program.
Run the generated executable to use the phonebook application.
- Set up the project structure.
- Define and implement the Contact class.
- Define and implement the PhoneBook class.
- Implement the main program to handle user commands.
- Create a Makefile to automate the build process.
- Compile and run the program.