
Ansible Role for HTPCManager Installation

Primary LanguageShell


An Ansible role to setup and configure HTPCManager on Ubuntu.


This role requires Ansible 2.0 or higher. Platform requirements are listed in the metadata file. Make sure to download roles specified in Dependencies section if role installed not with Ansible Galaxy.


List of tasks that will be performed under htpc-manager role:

  1. Install and Configure HTPCManager

Role Variables

List of variables that can be passed to the role with default variable values.

# defaults file for htpc-manager

# Helper vaiable. In use by other roles
htpc_manager_enabled: yes

htpc_manager_path: /opt/HTPCManager

# Available values are zeroconf, hostname, staticip
htpc_resolving: zeroconf

# htpc-manager branch
htpc_manager_repo: https://github.com/Hellowlol/HTPC-Manager.git


  • GR360RY.htpc-common role. Creates htpc user and media folders
# defaults file for htpc-common

htpc_user_username: htpc
htpc_user_password: htpc
htpc_user_group: htpc
htpc_user_shell: /bin/bash
htpc_user_sudo_access: yes
htpc_ssh_service: yes
htpc_create_media_folders: yes
htpc_zeroconf: yes
htpc_media_path: /mnt/media
htpc_media_movies: movies
htpc_media_tv: tv
htpc_media_music: music
htpc_media_pictures: pictures
htpc_downloads_complete: "{{ htpc_media_path }}/downloads/complete"
htpc_downloads_incomplete: "{{ htpc_media_path }}/downloads/incomplete"

Example Playbook

- hosts: htpc-server
  become: yes

    - role: GR360RY.htpc-manager

HTPC-Ansible Project

This role is part of HTPC-Ansible project that includes additional roles for building Ubuntu Based HTPC Server.

Complete list of Ansible Galaxy roles is below:

Additional Info is available at www.htpc-ansible.org



Author Information

Gregory Shulov