
Simple Notifier and Launcher for WaniKani Reviews and Lessons. Works with API v2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Yet Another WaniKani Notifier [Chrome Extension]

Simple Notifier and Launcher for WaniKani Reviews and Lessons. Works with API v2.

Notifies you when your reviews and lessons are due. There's not much else to it.


  • A badge shows how many reviews are due.
  • Click on the extension to open a pop-up with links to your lessons and reviews.

NEW in version 1.1.1

Added a tickbox in the settings page to get politely reminded of your lessons as well. The box is unticked by deafult, so if you don't need the constant reminder there's no change for you. If you like the pressure however, you can go and tick the box.

You'll get a badge with your lessons count ONLY if you're done with your reviews.