
Saturday shows up twice

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Description of the bug

When polling by week-day instead of specific dates, Saturday shows up twice if selected.



Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-17 a la(s) 09 18 47


Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-17 a la(s) 09 20 51

To reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Select "by weekday"
  3. Select all weekdays and all times.
  4. Create
  5. Select any time on saturday

Expected behavior

Saturday should show up once, and selecting times on saturday should select only one saturday.

Additional information

Thanks for the awesome app, we love it.

I've seen this too on a self-hosted dev instance. It might have something to do with whether or not you adjust the time range. It didn't happen when I did 9-5 (the default) but it did when I did 8-8 or 9-8.

I think it has something to do with how the times wrap around (Maybe UTC?) I'm in EST and I noticed that it would act funny when I included 8PM.


I also noticed that there was a null between 12-31 and 01-01, which manifests itself here as a gap in the chart.

Reading the code some more, I think that null is a feature. I have a hacky idea for how to fix this: Deduplicate dates by checking if two days are a saturday if isSpecificDates is false.

Well, because now it's Sunday, Jan 6, 2024, the bug(s) no longer happens. But, I have been pawing through the code, trying to figure out if there isn't some way to fix this from the beginning, instead of having to modify the code that generates the chart.

So far, I've seen this app work just fine, save for this visual bug, so I'm a bit hesitant to mess with anything too low level, but this appears to be where the dates are chosen when you choose to make a weekly crab fit.

Wait, maybe it's here

Looking at that code, actually, I wonder if the best thing to do might be to find the nearest (probably future but it might not matter) Sunday, and use that instead of Temporal.Now. That might fix it 🤔

So as far as I can tell, the logic that actually creates the event is fine. It always generates 7 days. But in the editor, the 8th day shows up in the list of dates. I can't help but think that the dates are stored properly in the backend, and somewhere in the frontend, there's an off-by-one error or timezone nonsense that causes this.

I am like..... 63% sure that the problem is somewhere in convertDatesToTimes.ts