
experimental Peer ABC and some useful inheritable classes.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple python package that uses the pyzmq library to create a number of peers on disjoint networks which can coalesce through a planned internet Lighthouse.

Design was stream of conscious, issues are encouraged.

Peer hierarchy

As follows:

RandomPeer(JsonPeer) <- JsonPeer(WorkloadPeer) <- WorkloadPeer(GroupPeer) <- GroupPeer(Peer) <- Peer(ABC)


RandomPeer(JsonPeer) is a high level example of how to use the JsonPeer and WorkloadPeer classes as ABC bases.

  • At the Workload level, the async workload_wrapper coroutine abstractmethod must be implemented as well as handle_workload. These implmentations can be seen in JsonPeer and RandomPeer respectively.

  • RandomPeer is able to use it's methods handle_work and workload to create simple syncronous workloads which are asynchronously handled.

  • GroupPeer itself leaves the abstract method broadcast_loop from Peer(ABC) to be implemented. This is overridden in WorkloadPeer.


$ poetry install


$ zmqer --help
usage: zmqer [-h] [-lt {stdout,file,None}] [-v {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL,v}] [-la] [-psd PEER_SETUP_DELAY] [-n N_PEERS] [-nl N_LATE_START_PEERS] [-sp STARTING_PORT]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -lt {stdout,file,None}, --log-to {stdout,file,None}
                        Where to log output.
                        Logging level
  -la, --log-all        Log all messages, not just those from specified logging peers.
  -psd PEER_SETUP_DELAY, --peer-setup-delay PEER_SETUP_DELAY
                        Delay in seconds before setting up late-start peers.
  -n N_PEERS, --n-peers N_PEERS
                        Number of peers to instantiate.
  -nl N_LATE_START_PEERS, --n-late-start-peers N_LATE_START_PEERS
                        Number of late-start peers to instantiate as a percentage of n_peers.
  -sp STARTING_PORT, --starting-port STARTING_PORT
                        Starting port for peer addresses.


$ zmqer -vv

or if you would like to thrash your file system:

$ zmqer -vv -la -lt file