
Smart contracts for SEEDS - A Regenerative Civilization Building Game.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Contract Names

See here: https://gitlab.com/seeds-project/seeds-contracts/issues/25



git submodule init
git submodule update


The .env file contains the all-important keys for local, testnet, and potentially mainnet

It also contains a compiler setting - use either local compiler or Docker based compiler

Copy the example to .env

cp .env.example .env

Compiler Setup in .env file

The COMPILER variable can either be docker or local - if you have eos-cpp installed on your local machine you can use local, if you want to use a docker container make sure docker is running and it'll do everything for you.

Tools Setup

npm install

Deploy Tools

Use the seeds.js script to

init all contracts and deploy them on local network

./scripts/seeds.js init

update contract permissions

This command will update all permissions on all contracts

It will check if a permission is already set and only set permissions that have been added or have been changed.

./scripts/seeds.js updatePermissions

Compile, deploy, or test a contract

./scripts/seeds.js compile harvest => compiles seeds.harvest.cpp
./scripts/seeds.js deploy accounts => deploys accounts contract
./scripts/seeds.js test accounts => run unit tests on accounts contract
./scripts/seeds.js run accounts => compile, deploy, and run unit tests

Specify more than one contract -

Contract is a varadic parameter

./scripts/seeds.js run accounts onboarding organization

Deploy on testnet

EOSIO_NETWORK=telosTestnet ./scripts/seeds.js deploy accounts

Deploy on mainnet

EOSIO_NETWORK=telosMainnet ./scripts/seeds.js deploy accounts

usage seeds.js

./scripts/seeds.js <command> <contract name> [additional contract names...]
command = compile | deploy | test | run

run a contract - compile, then deploy, then test

./scripts/seeds.js run harvest => compiles seeds.harvest.cpp, deploys it, runs unit tests

generate contract documentation

This command will generate html automatically based on the contract ABI files.

The tags inside the documents will be left untouched, even when they are regenerated.

This will generate docs only for the accounts contract.

./scripts/seeds.js docsgen accounts:

This will generate all contracts:

./scripts/seeds.js docsgen all

This will regenerate the index.html file:

./scripts/seeds.js docsgen index