
GridAPPS-D’s visualization application displays the topology of selected distribution model with highlighted capacitors and regulators. It also include tables with current values for capacitor status (OPEN or CLOSED), regulator voltage, and feeder power. For current release cycle we are using IEEE 8500-Node system model.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Make sure that NodeJS is installed (https://nodejs.org/en/)

For development

Bootstrapping the client

  • cd client
  • npm install
  • npm start (Or npm start disable-css-hmr to disable CSS hot reload, theme toggle only works with this option disabled)
  • Go to http://localhost:3000

Bootstrapping the server

  • cd server
  • npm install
  • npm run nodemon to start an HTTP server with hot-loading and TypeScript server in watch mode

For deployment

Building the front-end code

  • cd client
  • npm install
  • npm run build

Building the server code

  • cd server
  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • npm start

Running the platform

Application Code Architecture

The application is organized using a feature module based approach with smart/dumb component architecture. Each new feature will result in a new directory being created, directly under the feature module's directory, a component should be created, this component will become the only smart component of this feature. Inside the feature module directory, appropriate child directories should be added, and they are:

  • services Contains all the Angular services that the module uses
  • models Contains all of the required data structures and/or type declarations that describe the data models used within the module only
  • views Contains components that handle rendering only, components inside views directory should not perform any network calls, these tasks should be delegated to the root component (The only smart component of the module) of the module, through the use of callback props.

Smart components are only responsible for data modeling and network calls, and this smart component will use the child components declared inside views directory to render all the necessary data that it handles, this creates a single of truth which makes it extremely easy to debug if the rendered data doesn't match expectations.