
Examples of code for analysis of angular correlations at GRIFFIN

Primary LanguageC

The items in this directory are intended as examples of how to code an angular correlation analysis using Methods 2 and 4 (as identified in the GRIFFIN AC NIM). They are minimal working examples that should run correctly out of the box *for the example data provided* in the ROOT file.
- JKS, 6 August 2019
To run:
   - Use GRSISort to open the ROOT file:
     > grsisort histograms.root
   - Execute the RunMethod2.C script:
     > .x RunMethod2.C
This will run a Method2, a2/a4 analysis. More ways to run are detailed in the PDF.
Example terminal output from Method 2, a2/a4 analysis:

 FCN=38.6309 FROM MINOS     STATUS=SUCCESSFUL     20 CALLS          97 TOTAL
                     EDM=1.71813e-10    STRATEGY= 1      ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE 
  EXT PARAMETER                                   STEP         FIRST   
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE 
   1  A_{0}        1.71243e-04   8.20045e-08  -2.18414e-12   1.18481e+02
   2  a_{2}       -6.86298e-02   1.23778e-03  -1.22797e-07   8.75419e-02
   3  a_{4}        2.22904e-03   1.66801e-03   1.66801e-03   6.67972e-02
NDF = 43
---------- Covariance matrix ----------

2x2 matrix is as follows

     |      0    |      1    |
   0 |  1.532e-06   2.321e-07 
   1 |  2.321e-07   2.782e-06 

Example terminal output from Method 2, mixing ratio analysis:

Fitting 100 steps for mixing ratio 1 and 100 steps for mixing ratio 2.

Example terminal output from Method 4, a2/a4 analysis:

 FCN=65.0634 FROM MINOS     STATUS=SUCCESSFUL     20 CALLS         174 TOTAL
                     EDM=5.16545e-07    STRATEGY= 1      ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE 
  EXT PARAMETER                                   STEP         FIRST   
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE 
   1  A_{0}        4.19033e-01   9.77421e-05  -6.05722e-08  -1.48556e-03
   2  c_{2}       -6.51815e-02   5.68510e-04  -2.19968e-07   1.58144e-04
   3  c_{4}        1.39616e-03   6.86788e-04   6.86788e-04   3.11932e-05
Chi^2/NDF = 65.0634 / 43 = 1.5131
---------- c2/c4 covariance matrix ----------

2x2 matrix is as follows

     |      0    |      1    |
   0 |  3.232e-07   2.967e-08 
   1 |  2.967e-08   4.717e-07 

a2: -0.0681815 +/- 0.000594675
a4: 0.00164448 +/- 0.000808937

Example terminal output from Method 4, mixing ratio analysis:

Fitting 100 steps for mixing ratio 1 and 100 steps for mixing ratio 2.

Detailed file information

AnalysisFunctions.C - a macro file with the functions necessary to fit a data AC with simulation using Method 2 or Method 4. This file (and specifically the SetupAC function) will need to be modified for the experimental setup used for the data.

histograms.root - a ROOT file of simulated Z-distributions and data angular correlations for 47Ca. The simulations were run for the 586-2013 keV cascade, and data is provided for the 586-2013 keV and 565-2013 keV cascades. (I assume that the Z-distributions will not change significantly when changing the energy from 586 keV to 565 keV.) Histograms and graphs of the Z-distributions are both included.

results2_example.txt - The output file that I get from running a mixing ratio analysis with Method 2. You can compare your output file to this to make sure that everything is running appropriately.

results4_example.txt - The output file that I get from running a mixing ratio analysis with Method 4. You can compare your output file to this to make sure that everything is running appropriately.

RunMethod2.C - an executable macro file with the necessary commands for loading the histograms into memory, loading the functions from a Method2 macro file, and executing the Method2 macro.

RunMethod4.C - an executable macro file with the necessary commands for making a TGraphAsymmErrors from the data histogram, loading the functions from a Method4 macro file, and executing the Method4 macro.