
The angular correlations extension was modified to include internal conversion.

Primary LanguageC++


The angular correlations extension was modified to include internal conversion.

To install the Geant4 source files and the detectorSimulations source files, rsyncit.sh is provided.

  1. open rsyncit.sh with a text editor and replace the paths to the original source directories if necessary

  2. run chmod u+x rsyncit.sh if the file is not executable

  3. run ./rsyncit.sh

  4. run make clean and then make and make install in your Geant4 build directory


  1. run make in rdecay01

  2. create a new build directory

  3. run

    cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/opt/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/Geant4-10.1.3/ ~/Geant4GammaElectronAngularCorrelations/rdecay01/

    in this build directory.

    The above command assumes that your Geant4 install directory is named geant4.10.01.p03-install like mine was, and that you've checked out this repository into your home directory. You may also have cmake3 installed, as opposed to cmake.

  4. run make in this build directory

*** repeat steps 3, 4 (without make clean), 5, and 8 for every change to the Geant4/pure simulation source code.


  1. run make in your detectorSimulations_v10 directory

  2. create a new build directory

  3. run cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/opt/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/Geant4-10.1.3/ ~/detectorSimulations_v10/ in this build directory [see notes in step 7].

  4. run make in this build directory

*** repeat steps 3, 4 (without make clean), 9, and 12 for every change to the Geant4/detector simulation source code.