
Memory indicator plugin for tmux

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

This plugin let's you add the memory usage to tmux status fields.




Add one of the available values to your existing status-left or status-right tmux option.

Value Description
#{mem_percentage} Memory usage in percent

The plugin also has some options to change the indicator.

Value Description Default
@mem_pre_color Color code prepended to value /
@mem_post_color Color code appended to value #[default]
@mem_high_color Color code prepended for high memory usage #[fg=colour1]
@mem_high_percentage Value for high memory usage 75
@mem_mid_color Color code prepended for middle memory usage #[fg=colour3]
@mem_mid_percentage Value for middle memory usage 35
@mem_low_color Color code prepended for low memory usage #[fg=colour2]
@mem_error_color Color code prepended for error codes #[fg=colour0]#[bg=colour1]
@mem_ignore_cached Ignore memory used for caching (yes/no) yes
@mem_custom_percentage Custom script to get memory usage /


set -g status-right 'Mem:#{mem_percentage}% | %a %h-%d %H:%M '

set -g @plugin 'GROG/tmux-plugin-mem'
set -g @mem_high_percentage "80"
set -g @mem_low_percentage "40"
set -g @mem_ignore_cached "no"
set -g @mem_custom_percentage "$HOME/.scripts/mem_percentage.sh"

Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)

Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'GROG/tmux-plugin-mem'

Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it.

Manual Installation

Clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/GROG/tmux-plugin-mem ~/clone/path

Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf:

run-shell ~/clone/path/mem.tmux

Reload TMUX environment:

# type this in terminal
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Special credit

This plugin is roughly based on the various plugins in https://github.com/tmux-plugins.




All assistance, changes or ideas welcome!


By G. Roggemans