
Gurux DLMS library for Python

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

See An Gurux for an overview.

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gurux_dlms library is a high-performance Python component that helps you to read you DLMS/COSEM compatible electricity, gas or water meters. We have try to make component so easy to use that you do not need understand protocol at all.

For more info check out Gurux.DLMS.

We are updating documentation on Gurux web page.

Read should read DLMS/COSEM FAQ first to get started. Read Instructions for making your own meter reading application or build own DLMS/COSEM meter/simulator/proxy.

If you have problems you can ask your questions in Gurux Forum.

Before start the client example go Gurux.DLMS.Client.Example.python directory and run

pip install -r requirements.txt

You can use any connection (TCP, serial, PLC) library you want to. Gurux.DLMS classes only parse the data.

Before start

If you find an issue, please report it here: http://www.gurux.fi/project/issues/gurux.dlms.python

Simple example

First you need to install the library:

pip install gurux-common
pip install gurux-serial
pip install gurux-net
pip install gurux-dlms

Before use you must set following device parameters. Parameters are manufacturer spesific.

First import gurux_dlms. 
from gurux_dlms import *

All default parameters are given in constructor.
// Is used Logican Name or Short Name referencing.
client = GXDLMSClient(True)

HDLC addressing

Each meter has own server address. Server address is divided to Logical address and Physical address. Usually you can use value 1 for meter address. You can count server address from serial number of the meter. You can use GetServerAddress method for that.

//Count server address from serial number.
serverAddress = CGXDLMSClient.getServerAddress(Serial number)
//Count server address from logican and physical address.
serverAddress = CGXDLMSClient.getServerAddress2(logical Address, physical Address, Address size in bytes);

If you are using IEC handshake you must first send identify command and move to mode E.

Support for serial port is added later.

After you have set parameters you can try to connect to the meter. First you should send SNRM request and handle UA response. After that you will send AARQ request and handle AARE response.

reply = GXReplyData()
data = self.client.snrmRequest()
if data:
    self.readDLMSPacket(data, reply)
    size = self.client.limits.maxInfoTX + 40
    self.replyBuff = bytearray(size)
self.readDataBlock(self.client.aarqRequest(), reply)
if self.client.authentication.value > Authentication.LOW.value:
    for it in self.client.getApplicationAssociationRequest():
        self.readDLMSPacket(it, reply)

If parameters are right connection is made. Next you can read Association view and show all objects that meter can offer.

#Read Association View from the meter.
reply = GXReplyData()
self.readDataBlock(self.client.getObjectsRequest(), reply)
objects = self.client.parseObjects(reply.data, True)
converter = GXDLMSConverter.GXDLMSConverter()

Now you can read wanted objects. After read you must close the connection by sending disconnecting request.

self.readDLMSPacket(self.client.disconnectRequest(), reply)
#Close media.
def readDLMSPacket2(self, data, reply):
if not data:
notify = GXReplyData()
reply.error = 0
succeeded = False
rd = GXByteBuffer()
if not reply.isStreaming():
    self.writeTrace("TX: " + self.now() + "\t" + GXByteBuffer.hex(data), TraceLevel.VERBOSE)
msgPos = 0
count = 100
pos = 0
    while not self.client.getData(rd, reply, notify):
        if notify.data.size != 0:
            if not notify.isMoreData():
                t = GXDLMSTranslator(TranslatorOutputType.SIMPLE_XML)
                xml = t.dataToXml(notify.data)
                msgPos = rd.position
        rd.position = msgPos
    if pos == 3:
        raise ValueError("Failed to receive reply from the device in given time.")
    if pos != 0:
        print("Data send failed.  Try to resend " + str(pos) + "/3")
except Exception as e:
    self.writeTrace("RX: " + self.now() + "\t" + rd.__str__(), TraceLevel.ERROR)
    raise e
self.writeTrace("RX: " + self.now() + "\t" + rd.__str__(), TraceLevel.VERBOSE)
if reply.error != 0:
    raise GXDLMSException(reply.error)