
Data.gov infrastructure terraform modules

Primary LanguageHCL

This repository is no longer maintained and has been merged into https://github.com/GSA/datagov-infrastructure-live.



Data.gov infrastructure terraform modules. This repo contains the source modules used in datagov-infrastructure-live. See datagov-infrastructure-live for development instructions.


Modules in modules/ are true Terraform modules. Top-level modules like catalog/ are terragrunt modules. The Terraform modules are building blocks and consumed by the top-level terragrunt modules. The terragrunt modules encapsulate a full configuration for a Data.gov component.

Working with ansible

We use AWS dynamic inventory for ansible in our test environments. The dynamic inventory works by using the group tag on any instances to organize the hosts into groups. You may create multiple groups by using a comma-separated list. e.g. group=harvester,solr.

In your hosts file, this would look like:



Note: even though you may specify the ansible_group as a comma-separated list, the best practice is to use a single, unique tag that can then be mapped to multiple Ansible groups in the inventory file.


Tests include light terraform syntax validation. Don't forget to run the tests.

$ make test

You might also want to standardize the syntax in your files.

$ terraform fmt