A resource to help federal employees write in plain language and comply with the Plain Writing Act of 2010
- 3
Security Policy violation Branch Protection
#448 opened - 2
Show the breadcrumb type info in search
#135 opened by nicoleslaw - 1
Add more examples of good web content
#141 opened by nicoleslaw - 4
- 1
Update to latest USWDS-jekyll theme
#262 opened by saracope - 1
main.scss issues?
#295 opened by sharifX - 1
Update Cirleci docker image
#354 opened by mejiaj - 1
update USWDS from 1 to 3
#368 opened by nick-mon1 - 1
Remove basscss dependency
#366 opened by mejiaj - 1
Sidenav logic creating empty sublist
#376 opened by mejiaj - 1
Implement full USWDS gov banner
#377 opened by mejiaj - 2
- 1
Change the coronavirus note to use plain language
#305 opened by pagibson - 30
Security Policy violation Branch Protection
#421 opened by gsa-allstar - 0
#424 opened by Bramwelian - 3
Security Policy violation Outside Collaborators
#422 opened by gsa-allstar - 0
#400 opened by LoveiWrites369 - 1
Link to "Clarity International" does not work
#391 opened by lslalbai - 1
Fix stylelint errors
#373 opened by nick-mon1 - 0
Integrate stylelint and 18f rules
#371 opened by mejiaj - 4
Issue bundling
#353 opened by petermgrund - 0
YAML error when running local server
#357 opened by mejiaj - 0
2 broken links on a training page
#271 opened by ToniBonittoGSA - 1
Update Pa11y tests to exclude pdf files
#263 opened by jcastle-zz - 0
Issue with Jekyll compilation on macos
#216 opened by rad2018x - 0
- 1
- 0
Fix circleci failure
#247 opened by saracope - 1
- 4
Write PLAIN interview questions with outreach
#137 opened by nicoleslaw - 1
Synthesize tree test results
#128 opened by nicoleslaw - 2
No link previews in Facebook, Twitter, and Slack
#161 opened by mathowie - 2
Something something font loading
#119 opened by nicoleslaw - 2
Announce the launch
#77 opened by nicoleslaw - 3
Simplify or remove 'related memoranda'
#158 opened by mathewcropper - 1
Configure 404 page
#148 opened by hursey013 - 0
Add metadata to resources/articles/etc
#130 opened by nicoleslaw - 0
Add posters from Miriam
#101 opened by nicoleslaw - 3
Funky styling issues
#123 opened by nicoleslaw - 1
Move history back to `law` as gov mandates
#121 opened by nicoleslaw - 1
Data/front matter for examples
#120 opened by nicoleslaw - 1
Hide archival pages from list view
#122 opened by nicoleslaw - 2
Word list
#113 opened by nicoleslaw - 1
Restructure articles metadata
#92 opened by nicoleslaw - 1
- 4
Style agency contacts page
#82 opened by hursey013 - 1
Font awesome icons not rendering in IE11
#86 opened by hursey013 - 1
- 1
Remove "return to top" link
#91 opened by hursey013 - 1
Add word doc format to download link
#90 opened by hursey013