
Live link : Here

The problem :

Many people face various difficulties in choosing a book or reaching some details about any topic they need to read about it. For some reasons, they can not visit a library so we have created this website for them and for every person who needs some ease to find them in reach.

The solution :

The electronic library simplifies searching techniques for specific books and works in order to provide various information resources to people through both direct and indirect methods.

The wireframes :


And this the main design:Figma

User Journey :

Our website has four pages as following: First page lets the users start and have an overview of the website. It includes two buttons; one to go to the library and the other takes users to the second page, the quotation page, which shows short quotes. Third one presents sets of books and different information resourses. Fourth page allows the users to search for available topics and books./

User Stories :

  1. As a reader I visit electronic library website that provides search and reading service for many books and browse many quotations on the Internet.
  2. On the navgation there are two sections, first one (home) that will take me to home page and the second one (about) it will pop-up a massage that displays the Reading importance.
  3. I see on the home page 2 buttons which are (Library) and (Read a Quote).
  4. when I click on "Library" button, I will be moved to Library page which presents different books and display book-name and author-name .
  5. when I click "Read a Quote "button, I will be moved to Quotations' page which allows me to read different quotations that are chosen randomly when I click "new quote" button.
  6. If I didn't find the book I'm looking for, I could click the "Go Search" button which will move me to Search page that allows to search for any book I want and I don't need to know the title I can just search using the name of author or publisher, just type, search and find.
  7. When I click the team 4 on the footer it take me to developers account on Github.

The way of installation the project to run it locally :

* git clone https://github.com/GSG-FC02/Library-project.git
* cd Library-project/
* go live server

Tech stack :

  • HTML.
  • CSS.
  • JS.

Team Members :

  • Heba elLouh.
  • Ahed Suhail.
  • Amjad Esleem.
  • Alaa Amer.