Read the Movie
- Sajeda Ismail
- Alaa Yasin
- Fadi Alamassi
- Imad Shatali
Why Do we build this website?
- to let the user search by a movie or book title and get results whether this movie based on a book story or the book has a movie.
What does this website do?
- It shows the movies and books that are related to each other.
How did we build this website?
- First, read the project in details and discussed the requirements together
- Second, searched for two APIs and read their documentation
- Third, drew a layout for the our website
- Forth, separated the team into two pairs and started working on creating the API requests
- Fifth, each pair worked on an API (wrote xhr request functions)
- Sixth, the same pair wrote the dom and render the xhr functions with the DOM file
- Seventh, styled our website
- Eighth, refactor our code
User Journey
When the user enters the website, he will be able to:
- to enter a movie or book title name in the search bar
- click search
- the website shows him the movies and books that match his search text
- the search results are related as book(source material)/movie
- on the movie side he will be able to see
- movie poster
- title
- description
- rating
- genre
- movie casts
- trailer link/pop up
- on the book side, he will see:
- book cover
- title
- author
- description
- rating
- genre
stretch goals
- using local storage to save favourites
- open favourites in another page
- pop up embedded youtube video