Simple Blog by using Express & Postgres .
- Hashem Taha
- Rana Obeid
- Mohammad Alhalaq
- Asmaa Thabet
As a user , when I open the blog I have to see landing Page that shows three main parts .
As a user , in the first part [ header ] , I should see navigation bar that contian two important links: Login & Sign-in .
As a user , in the second part [main] , I should see list of posts that showing [title,description & content ]
As a user , in the third part [footer], I should see copyrights statments & any other things related .
As a user , If I have to add a new post , I have to login by login link in the header navbar if I was already registered .
As a user , If I wasn't registered I have to navigate to sign up link in the header to sign up as new user .
As a user I can see a page that contain my main information.
simple blog that show posts in it , you can add post when you logged in .
The User enter our Blog and see navbar that contain main links.
The User see list of posts under header part.
The User see footer that contain copyrights section .
The User should signup to deal with the blog system .
The User should login after signing up .
The User can add blog post after login .
The User can see page that contain his/her own information by clicking on his/her name .
user_name VARCHAR(50),
password VARCHAR(255),
email VARCHAR(255)
title VARCHAR(255),
description TEXT,
content TEXT,
published_at DATE,
user_id int,
FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id)
1- development database.
2- Testing database .
3- Production database [Heroku database].
analyze project on papers : we started our work by analyzing user journey and making database schema for the project.
Design :
We design our project on papers to make a general perception for the website. -
Project Structure :
We started to build our project files Structure by seprate our project into three folders which is public,src and test to make our work more organized. -
Installing important Packages : we install important packages that needed to run project .
Setup Travis in our project :
We setup travis in the begining of our project to test our project with its test step by step and we add new local database for travis . -
Divided Tasks by writing issues :
We divided the work in tasks and started to work as pair in every task. -
making tests :
we made tests for our routes and database to check that they were work well . -
making sql file :
make our database file to store schema in it . -
making Validation :
we make validation to signup and login forms in server and client sides . -
Displaying Data In Page :
We show our data from database . -
Design Website :
We make simple design for our website to obtain the required shape from our idea . -
Use Heroku :
we use our Heroku to connect it with github and have a link to our project .
- Express
- express handlebars [to view data]
- env2
- @hapi/joi [for server side validation]
- eslint
- nodemon
- supertest
- tape & tap-spec