
wt (workout timer) is an alternative to the timer in gnome-clocks with better keyboard functionality.

Primary LanguageGo


wt (workout timer) is an alternative to the timer in gnome-clocks with better keyboard functionality. It takes a single argument of a simple duration, waits that long, then shows an OS notification and plays a sound.


# two equivalent commands to notify after 30 seconds
wt 30s
wt 0.5m

# notify after 5 minutes
wt 5m

# notify after an hour
wt 1h



(You can try downloading the wt binary under Releases, but it's only for amd64 Linux and there's no guarantee it's up to date).

Install Go, then try go install github.com/gsgben/wt@latest. If it throws errors about dependencies (like ALSA), fix those up then try installing it again. Known dependencies:


ALSA / libasound2-dev

Try sudo apt install libasound2-dev or your distro's equivalent.

If you get a cryptic message about dependencies and libasound2, and you're on an Ubuntu-like distro: make sure you're subscribed to all updates, not just security updates. Then run sudo apt update and try installing it again.


The notification icon is copied out of the embedded filesystem into a temp location in the real filesystem. It would be better to call the version of the dbus notification function that takes image-data directly.


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