
A kettle output plugin allows you to write to redis cluster

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status

Pentaho Kettle Redis Plugin

This is an output step plugin to write data to redis cluster.


Download the binary zip file from https://github.com/DanielYWoo/pentaho-di-redis-plugin/releases and unzip it to kettle/plugins. You can also build the zip with maven command "mvn clean package" with jdk7+, it will generate the distribution zip file in $PROJECT/target.

The plugin directory layout would be:


If you upgrade the plugin please manually remove the old version.


Double click the step dialog in spoon, type in the command and the connection url (you can use a variable from kettle.properties), then the columns will be automatically appended as command arguments, redis command will be generated and sent.

e,g. zadd, then "zadd (column1 as key) (column2 as score) (column3 as member)" will be executed.

e,g. set, then "set (column1 as key) (column2 as value)" will be executed.

You probably need a "select values" step before the redis output step to generate columns (arguments) you want.


Currently supported commands: set, del, sadd, srem, zadd, zrem Redis cluster 3+ is supported, single node mode is not supported. This is tested with Pentaho Kettle 6.1, should work with 7+. JDK7+ is required.