
NLP Sentiment Analysis using LLAMA-2

This project performs sentiment analysis using LLAMA-2, a Python-based tool. You can use the following steps to set up the project: Installation

Clone this repository to your local machine.


git clone <repository_url>

Navigate to the project directory.


cd <project_directory>

Install the required Python packages using pip.


pip install -r requirements.txt


Before running the requirements.txt file, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

Python: Make sure you have Python installed on your system. If not, you can download it from

Create a Virtual Environment: It's a good practice to create a virtual environment for your project to isolate dependencies. You can create a virtual environment using the following commands:

For Python 2:


python -m venv venv

For Python 3:


python3 -m venv venv

Replace venv with the desired name for your virtual environment.

Activate the Virtual Environment: After creating the virtual environment, activate it using the appropriate command:


source venv/bin/activate

Now, you're ready to run your project within the virtual environment, and the required dependencies are installed.

Important Note:

Please remember to replace <repository_url> and <project_directory> with the actual URL and directory name of project.