
wrote the code for shopeeAPI using PHP and hope somebody might find it useful.

Primary LanguagePHP


wrote the code for shopeeAPI using PHP and hope somebody might find it useful.

//1. example of getting items Detail
$item_id = 123; #{some id of the shopee porudcts}
$shopee = new shopeeAPI($shopeeShopId, $shopeePartnerId, $shopeeSecretKey, $shopeeUrl);
$product = $shopee->retrieveItemDetail($item_id);
var_dump($product); #output the product in JSON format

//2. example of update product quantity
$item_id = 123; #{some id of the shopee porudcts}
$qty = 100; #{quantity of the shopee porudcts}
$shopee = new shopeeAPI($shopeeShopId, $shopeePartnerId, $shopeeSecretKey, $shopeeUrl);
$shopee->updateItemStock($item_id, $qty);
//when successfully updated it will show u modified time and item_id in JSON format

//3. retrieve order list
$shopee = new shopeeAPIOrder($shopeeShopId, $shopeePartnerId, $shopeeSecretKey, $shopeeUrl);
$ordersList = $shopee->getOrderList(null);
$ordersListJSON = json_decode($ordersList, true);
//returns orderList in JSON with attributes "ordersn", "order_status", "order_datetime"

//4. retrieve order Details
$shopee = new shopeeAPIOrder($shopeeShopId, $shopeePartnerId, $shopeeSecretKey, $shopeeUrl);
$ordersn[] = array(123, 456, 789);
$ordersList = $shopee->getOrderDetail($ordersn);
$ordersListJON = json_decode($ordersList, true);
//returns to you order Detail like recipient info., items ordered, status of order, etc.